The 0G Global Network is currently present in 70+ countries and is expanding to support Massive IoT projects globally. Speak to us to become a 0G Operator today.

Become a 0G IoT Solution Provider and reap the Benefits!
We plan on spreading the power of the IoT to every region and country in the world. Our key goal is to team up with the third-party 0G IoT Solution Providers to deploy the 0G network and distribute its communication service to their own customers.
A mutually beneficial partnership.
The 0G IoT Solution Provider partnership model is proven effective with clearly defined roles and responsibilities, allowing fast deployment of the network, And our standard operational and commercial agreements allow for seamless network connectivity and operation.
As a 0G IoT Solution Provider, you’ll benefit from a comprehensive deal, vast revenue opportunities and a global ecosystem of partners and talents. And you’ll be part of a future-focuses community that’s perfectly positioned to grow together!
Could you be a future 0G IoT Solution Provider?
Being a 0G IoT Solution Provider is not only potentially lucrative but also incredibly simple.
Sigfox 0G Technology connects all of its base stations to a single Cloud, and these base stations can be rolled out quickly given the low cost of installation and operation.