Smart alarms, powered by Sigfox’s IoT network, give the agriculture industry a powerful new security tool.
Rural crime is a growing problem. Whether it’s the copper on an irrigation system or the diesel in a fuel tank, one thing is clear: if a high-value item is left unsecured on agricultural lands, thieves and vandals will figure out a way to compromise it. The next generation of wireless security systems tackles this type of rural crime head on.
In some areas, up to 74% of farmers have experienced theft, trespassing or vandalism on their property. But farms and ranches are some of the most difficult sites to protect. Their remoteness turns them into an easy target for thieves, but their sheer size limits security options, making them expensive and complicated to secure.
From small family farms to mega ranches, agriculture is increasingly turning to next-generation wireless alarms to protect its most valuable assets. Powered by Sigfox’s global IoT network, these alarms don’t rely on electricity or Wi-Fi, so they are cost-effective, simple to install and versatile enough to meet the unique challenges of agricultural sites.
Next-gen Wireless Alarms Protect Even the Most Remote Locations
When it comes to stopping rural crime, fences, lights and cameras play an important role. But although these devices do help deter thieves and vandals, the most brazen criminals still persist. In many cases, by the time a farmer or rancher realizes a crime has occurred on his land, the culprits are long gone and the damage is done.
Agricultural professionals need a way to catch crime in real time, but this can be a problem in remote areas. A rancher looking to keep rustlers from stealing his cattle, for example, might want to install a gate alarm so he is notified the minute anyone breaches his property. But traditional fence and gate alarms rely on cellular networks, and as any agriculture professional knows, cell service in rural areas is often unreliable. This rancher will run into similar problems if he tries to install a traditional wireless security system in a structure like a barn or stable, because these Wi-Fi-dependent systems need high-speed internet to function.
Unlike traditional gate alarms and wireless security systems, next-generation wireless alarms don’t depend on WiFi or cellular signals. Instead, the devices connect to Sigfox’s unique network dedicated to internet of Things (IoT). This secure, global network was built specifically for such alarms applications and other smart devices. It allows wireless security systems to function in even the most remote agricultural areas.
The rancher will also be happy to hear about other features that make this type of alarm ideal for the ranch. Each device has a range of ten to fifteen meters—roughly fifty feet—so the rancher will be alerted if anyone tries to drive just off the access road and bypass one of his gates. They are also specifically designed to be tamper-proof and durable enough for rugged outdoor environments. Their intelligent technology is exceptionally good at differentiating between human and animal movement, which is, of course, an important feature for any agricultural setting.
Simple, Secure, Robust: a Perfect Fit for the Ranching Industry

- Ideal for remote locations—no Wi-Fi or electricity needed
- Durable, tamper-proof devices
- Low maintenance: one battery lasts about a year
- Smart technology differentiates between human and animal movement
- Remote activation and deactivation for maximum flexibility
- Manage as many sites as needed on one dashboard
Low-cost Wireless Alarm Puts Security Within Reach for Operations of All Sizes
Even when remoteness isn’t a factor, installing a traditional wireless security system can be prohibitively expensive. A smaller agricultural operation, like a family owned dairy farm, already runs on slim profit margins. Installing a security system on a single farmhouse might be a manageable expense, but expanding that system to the barn, equipment shed and milking parlor quickly becomes unrealistic.

Agricultural operations of all sizes have discovered that next-generation wireless alarms are a cost-effective alternative to traditional security options. One alarm can be rented for around 15 USD per month, or 180 USD per year. That’s about the equivalent it would cost to replace just one tank of diesel syphoned from an unsecured tractor.
Intelligent Alarms Change the Way Agriculture Thinks About Security
Rural security is a moving target. Vandals are always coming up with new ways to access property, and the items most coveted by thieves change as commodities prices fluctuate. Farmers and ranchers need the option to modify their security systems to fit this ever-changing scene. Increasingly, the agricultural industry is realizing that next-generation wireless alarms are agile enough to give farms and ranches the flexibility they need.
Unlike traditional security systems, next-generation wireless alarms are plug-and-play. They don’t require configuration, and each device can be set up in less than five minutes. That small family dairy farmer who installed a few devices on his outbuildings may learn that thieves in the area are actually more interested in stripping the copper wire from irrigation systems. Knowing this, he may choose to rearrange the devices so they are strategically placed along his own irrigation lines. Because next-generation alarms are flexible, he can do this quickly and easily, maximizing his time while still staying ahead of criminals.
Also, because this type of security system requires no major setup and no long-term contracts, that small family dairy farmer who wants to secure his property can start by trying out one or two detectors with little risk. If he likes the way they work, he can rent more over time until all of his outbuildings are secure.
From its ease of use, to its flexible capabilities, the next generation of wireless alarms gives the agricultural industry a powerful new tool in the fight against rural crime.